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There are two major strands in my research. The first focuses on perception. How do perceptual states represent and thus make us aware of the environment? How do colors and other so-called 'secondary' qualities differ from shapes and other primary qualities? How should we explain the conscious aspects of perception, or what it is like to see red things, smell roses, and taste wine? The second focuses on the nature of pictorial representation. What makes pictures different from other kinds of representations like diagrams and descriptions? What makes some pictures more realistic than others? How do we use pictures and other kinds of representations as aids to learning about the world around us?
Images. London: Routledge, 2014.
Maps, pictures, and predication. Ergo 2(7) 2015: 149-173.
Analog representation and the parts principle. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6(1) 2015: 165-180.
Sound stimulants. Perception and its Modalities, D. Stokes, M. Matthen, and S. Biggs, eds. Oxford: OUP, 2014: 205-221.